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Agitator Drum Closure System

The G1.5 Tri-Sure Agitator steel drum closure system is a safe and effective top center closure assembly designed for steel drums equipped with an agitator mixing system. The system consists of a threaded flange, agitator bracket, and domed nylon plug.

The G1.5 Tri-Sure Agitator closure system is designed to provide superior sealing, corrosion resistance, and high-pressure containment.

The threaded flange is made from a high-strength steel alloy and is designed to meet international standards for corrosion and pressure containment.

The agitator bracket is designed to securely mount the closure system to the drum and is made from a durable, impact-resistant plastic.

The domed nylon plug provides secure sealing and is designed to provide a tight fit while allowing for easy removal when needed.

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Tri sure agitator system
  • Closure for steel drums fitted with internal agitator system.
  • Safe and effective Top-center closure assembly.
  • Suitable for single and multiple propeller mixing systems.
  • Secure high torque resistance.
  • Nylon plug provides ultra-clean thread engagement.
  • 4s® flange gasket compatible.
  • R-Style plug. Passes UN testing & features retention ring design.
  • Plug style fits with Woodman.
  • shaft shipper bushing.
  • 1-1/2” NPS threads (G1.5).
  • It fits industry standard agitators.
  • It fits Woodman 7/16” shafts.
  • Engineered nylon polymer plug.
  • Fits traditional industry wrenches.
Tri Sure brochure Agitator Closure System Page 1

More information about the Tri-Sure® Agitator Drum Closure System

Quick facts

  • The G1.5 Tri-Sure Agitator-System is a safe and effective Top-center steel drum closure assembly.
  • Designed for use with steel-drum single and multiple propeller mixing systems.
  • The molded chimney in the Agitator plug holds the propeller shaft in the center, reducing transport damage.
  • The agitator flange has an octagonal base that locks the flange assembly into the pocket, thus providing higher torque resistance during plug opening, closing, and mixing motor threading.
  • Tri-Sure's Agitator system allows full paint coverage of the drum cover to eliminate corrosion around the fitting.

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The nylon Gl.5 Tri-Sure® Agitator plug features the patented R-plug retention ring, which helps hold the plug gasket during opening and closing.

The R-plug design also lowers the opportunity for gasket looping during tightening and the potential for crimped gasket leakage. The Tri-Sure® agitator plug works with marketplace industry-standard wrenches.

The molded chimney in the Tri-Sure® agitator plug holds the propeller shaft in the center of the plug, reducing transport vibration and the potential for metal to metal contact or shaft and propeller damage.

Locks the flange

The agitator flange has an octagonal base that locks the flange assembly into place in the flange pocket, providing higher torque resistance & eliminating flange rotation during plug opening and closing and during mixing motor threading.

Plug gasket positioning on the flange inner wall allows for full paint coverage of the drum cover and flange sidewall lowering the opportunity for corrosion development during warehousing and transport.

Zinc plating

The zinc passivation plating on the metal flange and cone provides superior corrosion protection to marketplace alternatives.

The metal flange and agitator cone facilitate earth grounding of the agitator propeller drive system.